Lets GO!!!!!!..... The First Standing Stone Blog
This website has been a long time coming. In fact if you were lucky enough, you may have read 'this is a paragraph' or been sold a holiday to Greece in the Events Tab as the page was live long before it was finished. Anyway if you know us, or more specifically me, Nat, you will be aware that this blog will be waffly, long and probably spelt badly. However for the prospect that there may be people who don't know me I will try my hardest to be as eloquent as possible (this is where I need a laughy face emoji!)
This first blog is really an experiment to see if I have actually made some sort of blog content and also to introduce our business on a bit more or a personal level. If I manage (which I hope to do) I/we will attempt to blog weekly.
I am hoping over the time doing this, it will give an in-site into the day to day runnings of our busy, little fun yard and all our amazing ponies, staff, loans and helpers that get stuck in to loving SS (standing Stone).
So SS was established as a Private yard (for all of 5 minutes) in March 2015. Very quickly, literally the next day, I had a livery. The livery side grew and by the end of the year we had built a second set of stables. I ran the livery alongside running a residential property let business until we gained our Riding School Licence in 2019. However something had to give (I tried to give away the children, again a laughy face needed) until I wound down the Property business and jumped to the riding school full time. This felt very natural as I had been Freelance instructing since my late teens. If you had asked my 12 year old self what I wanted to do this would have been it. That 12 year old was however told to 'get a proper job' so I still really feel very lucky and a little like a big kid living out a big dream,
The business could not have evolved the way it has without my ever enduring non-horse husband, Mark, who helped to build this green field site in to what it is today as well as use his man skills to do the big jobs. We also have 2 fabulous children Will 8 and Daisy 7. I hope I mostly keep a reasonable work life balance but it is hard when your horses are also your life. Our kids enjoy spending time at the yard riding ponies, quads and generally getting stuck in so I hope the family environment is reflected in what we do. As time goes on I will try to keep to yard life as much as possible, however I'd like with their approval, to include some of their anecdotes, endeavours and family shenanigans.

I am lucky to also have a yard family. My 2 key members of staff have also become very good friends. Both Morgan and Kelly, who will be cursing my by the end of this sentence, will be able to have a good ol' chit chat on the blog at some point. We all work together so well but are all very different people. We have all had very different horse experiences as well as life experiences and I suppose they say opposites attract. In saying that, the thing that gives us our friendship is our mutual respect for each other and the love we have for the horses and the yard we created (pukey emoji inserted here) ...... its actually our really stupid humour.

So as an introduction I think I kept that fairly brief....wow! Feel free to message me about my spelling and grammar..... however I'm unlikely to change it..... how the heck can you add emojis to this thing!!!!! you can message me that :)
Meanwhile let us know what you would like to hear about in the blogs. I will continue to attempt them weekly (fingers crossed)
Right ill go and find something interesting to do for the week incase I can't persuade the girls to write something.